Chief Information and Digital Officer - Australian Communications and Media Authority - GovernmentCareer - Federal

First listed on: 09 February 2024

Chief Information and Digital Officer

As the Chief Information and Digital Officer (Executive Manager of the Digital and Technology (DTS) Branch), you will lead and manage the effective delivery of secure, stable, and fit for purpose ICT, digital systems, services, and infrastructure for the ACMA. You will drive the agency’s digital transformation roadmap to ensure that the ACMA achieves best practice ICT and digital service delivery.

You will be accountable for leading the ACMA’s digital strategy and digital change initiatives, bringing together systems, information management and data analytics platforms to deliver an integrated digital capability for the ACMA.

You will be responsible for information and cyber security and governance as this role also carries responsibility as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Chief Information Governance Officer (CIGO). This will include leading a significant change program in Information Management.