Australia has pledged new efforts to protect water resources. 

The Australian and Indonesian governments have committed to sustainable water resource management at the 2024 World Water Forum in Bali. 

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Australia's Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, and Indonesia's Minister of National Development Planning, Suharso Monoarfa, in 2023.

They have now renewed the agreement, focusing on lake management and the development of water-sensitive cities. 

Both countries aim to adopt water-sensitive urban design principles to enhance city resilience against extreme water events.

Among the notable projects is CSIRO’s AquaWatch pilot project in Lake Tempe, Sulawesi. 

This initiative will utilise advanced technology to monitor the lake's health and devise effective management strategies. 

On World Water Day last year, the Australian Government committed $83 million to expand this 'weather service for water quality' across Australia and globally.

Indonesia’s Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Dr M Basuki Hadimuljono said it is a vital collaboration.

“The governments of Indonesia and Australia are confident that this renewed partnership on water resources will lead to significant advancements in managing this vital resource. This joint work plan is a testament to the enduring friendship and cooperation between Indonesia and Australia,” he said.

The World Water Forum facilitated discussions on shared water management challenges and opportunities, reinforcing the importance of international cooperation. 

Further details on the forum's outcomes and future projects are accessible here.