Saving Australia's environment, including its threatened wildlife and degraded landscapes, would cost about 0.3 per cent of the nation's GDP, according to a new report.

The Albanese Government has unveiled draft legislation aimed at reforming Australia's merger rules.

Australia's annual energy resources stocktake has been released.

The Defence Minister has expanded Australia’s military procurement web.

Waiting times for Services Australia calls have surged, with more than 11 million calls unanswered in the past year.

State and territory leaders have reiterated concerns about the federal government's plans for the NDIS.

The eSafety Commissioner is demanding major tech companies take action against child abuse.

Nations are negotiating a deep sea mining code as opposition mounts.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Reece Kershaw has renewed his call for higher wages.

The Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) is set to commence on October 14.

Australia is showing off its progress on gender pay gaps ahead of a major summit.

The Australian government is taking applications for over $50 million worth of Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant opportunities.

A major global IT outage affecting CrowdStrike’s cybersecurity software has triggered a surge in scam activities, targeting consumers and small businesses.

A new funding scheme could help disadvantaged students finish their degrees.

Australian companies may be able to avoid legal scrutiny under a new greenwashing law.

A new community partnership has been formed in the hope of creating a safer, stronger Port Augusta.

A major survey has found a high level of trust in Australian public institutions.

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is transitioning its data centre operations from NEXTDC to a CDC Data Centres facility.

The Australian Labor Party's national executive is reassessing its relationship with the troubled construction division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU).

A government body has called for the reclassification of mobile services.

The Federal and Northern Territory governments have announced new investment in water security projects.

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For the last few weeks we have been bogged down in the very Earthly matters of royalty, budgets, politics, humanity and celebrity - all good prompts to look away, up into the infinite. 

Health authorities, politicians and scientists have been slowly introducing the world to the concept of ‘One Health’ - an all-inclusive approach to health that extends from the human body right through the global environment. 

This year’s Nobel Prizes honour discoveries that unwind our notion of truth, our understanding of ourselves and the human story, the complexities of cells and the very basics of the universe. 

XENOTRANSPLANTATION - sounds like something that would happen to an ill-fated crew member in Star Trek, but it is also a technical term for using non-human parts to treat or enhance our own bodies. 

I am Tim Hall; a red-blooded, beer-drinking, car-driving Australian male who has no interest in watching sports – at least, not the sports played by humans.

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