Parliamentary staff may soon be able to access new cultural leave and travel allowances.

The federal government has proposed a significant pay rise and new benefits for about 2,000 political staffers, which was put to a vote this week. 

The deal reportedly includes an 11.2 per cent pay increase over three years, along with travel allowances, cultural leave, and extra pay for staff using languages like Auslan or First Nations languages.

Key details include a $40,000 travel allowance for staff accompanying parliamentarians, $1,500 for multilingual work, and up to six days of leave for cultural and ceremonial activities. Casual workers will see a pay increase and a guarantee of minimum work hours.

While the proposal aligns with broader government policies, such as expanded parental leave, it has faced criticism from some Liberal staffers who argue it is out of touch with current economic conditions. 

However, support is strong among Labor and Greens staff.

The result of the vote is expected soon.