Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government - July, 2017
The Human Rights Commission his released a report that gives a disturbing snapshot of sexual assault and harassment at Australian universities.
Digital pill-tracking backed
The Federal Government has committed over $16 million to a national real-time prescription monitoring system.
Ice toll rises
New research shows the annual death toll from methamphetamine use in Australia has doubled.
ATO told to fix IT
Accountants are calling for compensation after the ATO’s online systems fell over again.
Federal travel bill rising
The public service travel bill has blown out by $75 million since the Coalition returned to government.
NT wants housing help
The NT Government has called for help to deliver over a billion dollars’ worth of housing.
PS veteran bows out
The secretary for the Department of Environment and Energy after Gordon de Brouwer has quit “to pursue other interests”.
Big firms fail to make NBN guarantees
The big telcos will not guarantee that customers’ speeds on the National Broadband Network.
Local LNG heating up
Analysts expect Australia’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to erupt next year.
MacGibbon to lead new cyber force
The Prime Minister’s cyber security adviser has been picked to lead a new Cyber Security Centre.
Aboriginal date pushed back
High-tech investigations show Aboriginal people have been in Australia for at least 65,000 years.
Job figures show full-time shake
New employment figures show a ninth straight month of job gains in Australia, with 14,000 new jobs added in June.
Tudge says money can't feed all
Human Services Minister Alan Tudge says more welfare and government services will not alleviate poverty.
CDP scheme hitting hard
An analysis has found that people in the CDP work-for-the-dole scheme are being financially penalised at a concerning rate.
Foxtel funds go unexplained
The Federal Government has given Foxtel $30 million for more sports coverage, but has not explained how it was chosen or why.
PM launches security merger
The Federal Government has merged control of Border Force, ASIO, the AFP and the Immigration Department ...
Two-tiered fight on flood money
The Queensland and Federal governments are butting heads over cyclone recovery funding.