Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government - September, 2019
An Australian Government report outlines new opportunities to sell resources to China.
Press permission questioned
Australia's peak legal body has criticised the Morrison government's attempt to improve press freedom.
Australia second on weapons imports
Despite a government policy to make Australia a major weapons exporter, it has instead become the world’s second largest arms importer.
Robo-debt run continues
Centrelink says it will run about 500,000 robo-debt reviews each year, despite calls to scrap the program.
ATO going for details
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) says it is going over every tax return lodged, looking for incorrect and fraudulent claims.
AEMC forecasts needs
The AEMC has looked at ways that Australia's energy grid could adapt to manage an influx of renewables.
Ceremony code questioned
The Federal Government has released new rules for Australian Citizenship Ceremonies.
Influence additions urged
Hundreds of Australia’s biggest companies have been asked to join the Foreign Influence Transparency Register.
ADF sees climate risks
An increase in natural disasters caused by climate change will stretch the capability of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), according to Defence Force Chief Angus Campbell.
Lobby jobs harm health
Experts say the revolving door between politics and big lobbies can be bad for our health.
Morrison dodges awkward talks
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has boldly avoided a global climate summit, spending time with the McDonald’s burger menu instead.
Joyce chased for drought texts
Barnaby Joyce is being hounded over alleged reports he produced during his role as special drought envoy.
QLD sees nothing from NAIF
The $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) has spent nothing in Queensland.
Australia joins Mars effort
Australia will spend $150 million to get involved in America's planned mission to the Moon and then Mars.
NDIS accused of mental failings
A new report says the NDIS is not doing enough to support mentally ill Australians.
New stats on veteran homelessness
Two recent reports have painted a grim picture of homelessness among Australian veterans.
Taylor threatens Liddell
Energy Minister Angus Taylor has waved the government’s ‘big stick’ at the Liddell power plant.
China expands social system
China is expanding its controversial Social Credit System to 33 million companies.
Call to keep staff off FOI data
The Australian Public Service Commission wants to keep public servants out of documents obtained under FOI.
Frydenberg releases figures
The Federal Government’s budget deficit has added to expectations of a surplus this financial year.