Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government - February, 2019
The peak mining lobby says Australia’s resources sector is becoming too over-regulated to invest in.
Regional migrant road shortened
A new Federal Government plan will see migrants fast-tracked to regional areas.
Aged care commission begins
The royal commission into Australia’s aged care system is underway this week.
Asylum medical bill slammed
The Federal Government is firm in its belief that more sick asylum seekers should not be treated.
Insider aids big sub deal
Reports say a close ally of PM Scott Morrison helped finalise Australia $50 billion submarine deal.
NBN underperformance measured
The ACCC has found the NBN is underserving one in 10 of its customers.
New funds for child safety
The Government has put up $10 million to improve the tools to keep Australian children safe online.
Reliability line deemed "dangerous"
The idea that renewable energy makes Australia’s electricity supply less reliable is “wrong and dangerous” ...
Millions in Medicare sitting unclaimed
Over $110 million worth of Medicare rebates sit unclaimed, the Government says.
Parliament hacked
Authorities are scrambling to investigate an apparent hack on the federal parliament’s computer network.
"Idiot" MP apologises
A Federal Government minister has apologised for doing something "inappropriate" to a female Defence officer.
Bank report leaks alleged
Federal Labor wants an inquiry into potential leaks of the banking royal commission report.
CSIRO questions carbon stats
CSIRO has raised concerns that Australia is overstating its emissions reductions.
Liberal link in tax attacks
There are calls for Liberal MP Tim Wilson to be sacked following alleged conflicts of interest over an inquiry into a Labor policy.
Review finds CDP issues
The Federal Government has released a damning review of its own Aboriginal work-for-the-dole scheme.
MDBA slammed
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority acted unlawfully, committed gross maladministration and ignored climate change ...
Bank report makes big calls
The final report from the banking royal commission spells out overhauls and court action for the local finance sector.
Asylum health panel formed
The Federal Government has set up a review panel for asylum seekers being transferred on medical grounds.
Energy underwriting plans proceed
The Federal Government says it received a strong response to the "registration of interest" phase of new power plans.
Labor promises NBN improvements
The ALP may write down the value of the NBN to make access more affordable.