Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government - May, 2018
Comcare is appealing a ruling that found an Immigration Department worker’s sacking for critical tweets was unlawful.
BIS predicts infrastructure drop
Economists say Australia’s public infrastructure investment will peak soon.
Federal funds for Pacific cable
The Federal Government is funding an undersea telecommunications cable to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.
Health budget outlined
The new Federal Budget includes significant spending on health in rural areas.
Budget brings Home Affairs growth
This week’s federal Budget contains more outsourcing of the public sector.
Infrastructure injections questioned
An infrastructure lobby says the “big spending” infrastructure budget will actually see a reduction of about $2 billion.
Budget brings STEM boost
This week’s federal Budget includes a range of funding for universities and research infrastructure.
Panel denies PFAS risks
An expert panel has found there is limited or no evidence to link exposure to PFAS chemicals with human disease.
Reef and rangers backed
This week’s federal Budget locks in $535.8 million to help the Reef, and extra funding for Indigenous rangers.
Deal to see Murray moves proceed
Labor and the Coalition appear to have reached agreement on proposed MDBP amendments.
Soldier study spots dementia link
A study of over 350,000 US soldiers has linked traumatic brain injury with an increased risk of dementia.
Federal face database questioned
Legal experts say Australia’s new facial recognition scheme is open to misuse.
PM launches PS review
The Prime Minister has announced a sweeping review of the federal public service.
Commissioner questions MDBP basis
A royal commissioner has questioned the legality of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
Space funds set for takeoff
The Federal Government is providing a $50 million boost to Australia's budding space industry.