Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government - July, 2024
Council repairs counted
A survey of 458 councils in Australia has shown a notable improvement in the condition of local government infrastructure.
CSIRO expands super-computing
CSIRO has partnered with Dell to develop an advanced high-performance computing (HPC) system named Virga.
Gift issues uncovered
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has been found to have significant issues with managing ...
New site for grim tally
The federal government has introduced a new statistical dashboard for intimate partner homicides involving female victims.
Telcos agree to Google deal
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has accepted undertakings from Telstra and Optus amid its ongoing investigation into Google's search services.
Veteran reforms pledged
The Albanese Government has introduced legislation aimed at addressing the alarming rate of veteran suicides.
Basin sharing birthday marked
This week marks the tenth anniversary of the Basin Plan water trading rules in the Murray-Darling Basin.
Big meetings for water ministers
Two high-level meetings have occurred to decide on significant plans for water in Australia.
Stone ban takes effect
From July 1, the manufacture, sale, and installation of engineered stone is banned in Australia.