Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government - September, 2019
The Murray-Darling Basin's new ‘top cop’ has vowed to restore trust in the $13 billion basin plan.
Biosecurity levy date missed
The federal government has missed a deadline for new biosecurity protections.
Littleproud demands dams
Federal Water Minister David Littleproud has slammed state governments for not building dams.
New call for corruption court
As an emerging scandal engulfs NSW Labor, calls are beginning for a federal corruption court.
God reigns over other rights
The Federal Government’s draft religious discrimination laws have been accused of privileging faith above all else.
Home Affairs fairly unhappy
An internal survey paints a bleak picture of morale at the Home Affairs Department.
Jab policy boosts coverage
The ‘no jab, no pay’ threat has prompted an extra 174,000 children to be vaccinated over the last year.
NBN claims completion date
NBN Co says the rollout of the network in on track for completion in mid-2020.
Reef outlook "very poor"
A Federal Government report has downgraded the long-term outlook for the Great Barrier Reef to “very poor”.
Space deal signed
A new deal is expected to drive growth for Australia's space and spatial industries.
Trade deal could clean fuel
The EU is expected to push Australia to clean up petrol standards as part of a new free trade deal.