Tech investors have rejected the government’s planned merger reforms, saying they could kill off start-ups.

A significant reshuffle of Australia's national security leadership is on the horizon.

A basic tech failure has prompted calls for an overhaul of the $70 billion government procurement system.

The US and UK have reached a new level of artificial intelligence (AI) regulation and collaboration.

A new study finds climate change impacts terrorist activity.

A major agriculture firm has blamed the Bureau of Meteorology for significant financial losses.

Most fossil fuel companies have ramped up production since the signing of the Paris Agreement, a new study finds.

Progress on Australia’s Inland Rail project has been reported.

The United Nations has announced Julie Bishop, Australia’s former foreign minister, as its special envoy on Myanmar.

Greg Combet, incoming chair of the Net Zero Economy Agency, has urged a “just transition” for coal workers in the shift to renewable power.

A long list of prominent people are speaking out against major gas works.

A wave of industrial action is set to flow over APS wage negotiations.

New legislation could see federal politicians face salary deductions of up to 5 per cent for severe violations of workplace rules.

Energy companies have been accused of misusing welfare payments.

The ACCC is sharpening its focus on gas retailers.

A Senate report has criticised an ongoing coverup, as the PwC tax leaks scandal continues.

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) wants feedback on its draft Audit program for the 2024-25 financial year.

The Federal Government has received warnings over its use of AI decision-making.

Advocates want Centrelink to lower the age of independence for Youth Allowance from 22 to 18.

CSIRO says Australia is in a perfect position to harness AI for its technological future.

Samantha Mostyn AO has been named Australia's 28th governor-general.

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