The Federal Budget has axed a number of failing green initiatives in the country’s 2011-12 Budget.

The cuts include substantial funding reductions in areas such as cutting coal mining industry emissions, carbon capture and storage areas and the shutting down of the failed Green Loans, the Home Insulation Safety Program and Green Start.

The cuts across the green area include:

The Federal Government has announced the formation of a new National Urban Policy, providing $181.4 million designed to ‘progress a range of practical measures which will promote more productive, sustainable and liveable cities.’

Although the Federal Budget has seen an overall increase in jobs in the Australian Public Service, a temporary rise in the public sector efficiency dividend from 1.25 per cent to 1.5 per cent from July for the next two years is expected to result in some job losses across the Service. 

CSIRO and the CSIRO Staff Association are nearing agreement on the new Enterprise Agreement, following months of negotiations and stop work meetings.

The Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs has recommended that legislation introduced by the Australian Greens to end federal control over territory laws be passed by the Senate.

The Federal and Northern Territory Governments have announced a $30 million package to provide sustained employment for up to 530 Indigenous Australians.

The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) is calling for the Federal Government to stick to its promise not to increase the efficiency dividend as a way of balancing the budget.

Australian Government agencies will be required to publish increased amounts of information on their websites under a number of alterations to existing freedom of information laws.

The COAG Road Reform Plan (CRRP) has released a new paper to initiate discussion on funding and implementation issues.

The Assistant Treasurer, Bill Shorten, is proposing new regulations to specify which taxes, fees and charges will still be subject to the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

The Department Defence has signed an industry contract with Verizon Business to provide high level and high speed internet services to industry, government, service personnel, employees and the public.

The Government has also released the Review of the Measures of Agency Efficiency report, the central recommendation of which- to apply the efficiency dividend at portfolio level – will be adopted by the Government.

The Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Senator Penny Wong, has that Australia's 'efficiency dividend' -- the ratio of agencies' reduction of running costs to budget – will be lifted  from 1.25 percent to 1.5 percent  for two years in 2011/12 and 2012/13, before it is returned to 1.25 per cent for 2013-14 and 2014-15.

A national blueprint has been released for public consultation for the development of personally controlled e-health records (PCEHR) for their 1 July 2012 launch.

Australia has been ranked number one in the world for the time it takes to start a business, although it has been marked down for its approach to ICT and the availability of new technologies.

The Federal Department of Finance and Deregulation has published the draft of Strategic Vision for the Australian Government’s use of information and communications technology.

Chair of the National Water Commission Chloe Munro has called for a rethink of the way water is priced in Australia.

Australia’s growing skills shortage is most pronounced in the Construction, Building and Engineering categories, across Professional, Associate Professional and Trades occupations, according to the latest analysis by the recruitment agency, Clarius Group.

The Australian Strategy Policy Institute has released its review of Australia's submarine construction policy, finding that very little progress had been made since the publishing of the Defence White Paper in 2009, which outlined the construction of twelve new, non-nuclear long range submarines 'built to perform a range of demanding tasks'.

The Federal Opposition has announced its intention to enhance the role of Infrastructure Australia in assessing infrastructure projects of national significance, should it be elected.

In a recent speech, Federal Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott expressed his support for Infrastructure Australia and said the Opposition would boost IA’s role and resources.

“The Coalition supports Infrastructure Australia (IA) and in government will strengthen its role, creating a more transparent, accountable and effective adviser on infrastructure projects,” Mr Abbott said.
“We’ll keep it, we’ll fund it and we’ll listen to it because important infrastructure decisions should be made on the basis of rational planning and not short-term political pork barrelling.”

Mr Abbott outlined a number of measures to boost IA’s capabilities and effectiveness:
  1. The Coalition will ensure that Infrastructure Australia has guaranteed ongoing funding. Funding for Infrastructure Australia expires at the end of this financial year. The Coalition’s commitment means that IA will be provided with the resources necessary for it to do its job properly.
  2. The Coalition will retain Sir Rod Eddington as the chairman of Infrastructure Australia.
  3. The Coalition will require that all Commonwealth-funded infrastructure projects worth more than $100 million have undergone a cost-benefit analysis by Infrastructure Australia.
  4. Infrastructure Australia will be required to publish justifications for its project recommendations, including the net present value of each recommended project.
  5. The Coalition will task Infrastructure Australia with developing a rolling 15-year infrastructure plan for Australia, with this plan being revised every five years. This will provide certainty for industry as to what infrastructure projects will be pursued by government and in what order. IA will be required to clearly specify infrastructure priorities at the national and state levels, based on a rigorous and transparent assessment of competing infrastructure projects proposed by the states.

Professor Ian Chubb, until February this year the vice-chancellor of the Australian National University, has been named as Australia's new Chief Scientist.

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