Ending Coercive Control & Family Violence


Date: 23-24 October 2024
Location: Pan Pacific Perth, Whadjak Noongar Country WA & Online

Adopting a comprehensive response to reduce coercive control and violence

System responses to family violence are often based on physical violence and are incident-based, yet we know that coercive control is based on patterns of behaviour.

To keep women and children safe, urgent shifts and action is needed, at a system and practice level, to better understand and respond to gendered violence.

This two-day conference will provide an important platform to unite changemakers and collectively address how we can forge new pathways. We’ll focus on how to shift from incident-based responses and towards collaborative wrap-around approaches. 

Connect with peers across frontline services, government, peak bodies, legal services, academia, and more to discuss the criminalisation of coercive control, whole-of-systems responses, and the prevention of violence.

View the program

Benefits of attending:

  • Move away from incident-based responses & towards a lifespan approach to violence & coercive control
  • Strengthen & frame how we talk about & assess coercive control in practice
  • Re-think systems responses to family & domestic violence
  • Ensure that practice reflects the current & emerging evidence base on coercive control
  • Navigate interagency collaboration effectively
  • Connect with culturally responsive practice & learn from First Nations & CALD perspectives, voices, lived experiences, & expertise

Hear from some of our featured speakers:

  • Dr. Emma Katz: Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Edge Hill University, Author, 'Coercive Control in Children’s and Mothers’ Lives 2022'
  • Kati Kraszlan: Commissioner, WA Commissioner for Victims of Crime
  • Professor Victoria Hovane: Adjunct Professor, Law School, University of Western Australia, Managing Director, Tjallara Consulting & Member, National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council on Family Violence
  • Col Blanch: Commissioner, WA Police

View full speaker lineup

Who Should Attend:

This event is relevant for representatives from the NGO community, ACCOS, government, police & justice sectors, with roles & responsibilities including:

  • Family & Domestic Violence Services
  • Intimate Partner & Sexual Assault Services
  • Women’s Services, Shelters & Refuges
  • Children’s Services & Child Protection
  • Men’s Behaviour Change
  • CALD, Refugee, Migrant & Immigration Services
  • Alcohol & Other Drugs
  • Legislative Change & Reform of Family Law
  • Healing, Recovery, & Therapeutic Services

This program is created and delivered in partnership with:

  • Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing
  • DART Institute
  • Women’s Legal Services Western Australia

Don’t miss this opportunity to forge new pathways in the fight against gendered violence and protect women and children. 

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