The Australian government is taking applications for over $50 million worth of Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant opportunities.

The grants aim to advance research in women's health, chronic pain management, and the effects of alcohol use.

The 2024 Infertility, Pregnancy Loss, and Menopause grant opportunity has allocated up to $25 million for research. 

This funding will support studies on the impacts of fertility treatments, the development of new predictive markers for pregnancy loss, and the effects of perimenopause and menopause on women's health.

A total of $8.6 million is earmarked for the 2024 Novel Treatments and Management Strategies for Chronic Pain grant. 

This funding is directed towards projects that seek to improve the lives of individuals suffering from chronic pain, whether due to injury, chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, or other persistent pain conditions experienced by women and other affected groups.

The 2024 Alcohol and Other Drugs grant opportunity will provide up to $20 million for research focused on the impacts of alcohol on physical and mental health. 

Specific areas of interest include the effects on First Nations individuals and communities, adolescents, and young adults. 

The grant will also support research into polysubstance use and patient-centred approaches for treating substance use disorders, especially among First Nations communities, adolescents, young adults, and women.

These grant opportunities are part of the MRFF’s Emerging Priorities and Consumer-Driven Research initiative. 

Researchers and institutions interested in these funding opportunities can find more information on GrantConnect and the MRFF calendar