A federal inquiry has delivered its final report on the impact of bank closures in regional Australia, calling for significant regulatory changes.

Analysts say Australia is effectively giving away more than half of its gas reserves for free.

A survey suggests university graduates are experiencing high levels of full-time employment and salary increases.

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has announced Hugh de Kretser as its new President.

A committee is reviewing ASIO’s power to request warrants to question children aged between 14 and 18.

Despite Coalition allegations, an audit has found the government’s mobile black spot program has been “largely effective”.

Australians’ personal and prescription data has been found for sale online.

Australia's recent decision to invest $1 billion in PsiQuantum for a quantum computer is rooted in longstanding defence concerns.

Australia has pledged new efforts to protect water resources.

The Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS), responsible for overseeing Parliament House and safeguarding Australia's democracy, is under scrutiny following allegations of a toxic work culture.

Australia has signed a commitment to AI safety.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has published its final decision for the 2024–25 Default Market Offer.

The CEFC has unveiled its largest financial commitment to date.

The Albanese Government has unveiled its National Battery Strategy to enhance domestic battery manufacturing capabilities.

The Government is attempting to crack down on overspending by NDIS providers.

A stuck tunnel boring machine has slowed progress on the Snowy 2.0 hydropower project.

A Senate committee has recommended banning the manufacture, sale, and advertising of non-prescription vapes.

ASIC Commissioner Alan Kirkland has described Australia's key regulatory priorities amid global trends.

Experts warn that a proposed cap on international students could cause “chaos”.

London’s High Court is allowing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to appeal his extradition to the United States.

The former Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner has been named the new Chair of the Australian Sports Commission (ASC).

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