The government body in charge of protecting Medicare and the PBS has a new director.

Governments have been accused of inadequately addressing racism, with many even avoiding the term altogether.

John Setka, the face the Construction, Forestry, Maritime and Energy Union (CFMEU), has resigned amid serious allegations of misconduct involving himself and the union.

A leading professor has strongly criticised the Albanese government's decision to cap the number of international students.

ANZ is in discussions with the Australian government to address the sustainability of its operations in the region.

The federal Senate has passed a motion requiring detailed disclosures of major contracts.

The DAFF says it will expand its network of agricultural counsellors.

Authorities have observed a notable advancement in the handling of Freedom of Information (FOI) cases ...

Australia has accused China-backed hackers of cyber crimes.

A comprehensive audit will be conducted into all internet-facing technology used by Commonwealth agencies.

Australian technology is being used to forecast water quality in California.

Australian researchers have shown that modern dingoes share almost no ancestry with domestic dogs.

The Federal Government has announced the creation of 12 new Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) following a $14.6 million investment.

The ACCC has forecast longer-term gas supply issues.

CEFC has entered a new partnership to offer discounted green loans to SMEs.

The Albanese Government has announced a $100 million investment in health infrastructure for First Nations communities.

The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit will review the Commonwealth contract management frameworks.

In the year since the Royal Commission's report on the Robodebt, no public servants have been investigated for breaches of the Australian Public Service (APS) Code of Conduct.

Two years after the Labor government ended the cashless debit card program, a review has found both positive and negative outcomes.

The Australian Government says a new partnership with Amazon Web Services will enhance national security.

Police have had a win in a legal case over a high-tech, international sting.

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