Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government
The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet is working on a massive open online course (MOOC) to train public servants how to calculate the financial impact of new regulation.
PBO finds budget figures trumped, risk of falling short
The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) has warned that the Federal Government will need to practice some serious spending discipline to avoid bad budget figures and economic shock.
Better view from free maps of high-res Australia
Two billion pixels have come together to form the most comprehensive three-dimensional view of Australia ever.
Gender stats show sorry state, slow to change
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s latest report shows women are under-represented in management positions, and underpaid as well.
Simple sex bill could reveal lack of Federal will
The Federal Parliament will debate marriage equality once more, with Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm bringing a private members bill to legalise same-sex marriage today.
Veil slips from deep spying game
Computer security experts have uncovered one of the most malicious pieces of software they have seen, and it could be a secret surveillance program for world governments.
Embarrassing Ebola talk as UN asks for open doors
Australia's Foreign Minister has read out a statement criticising nations that block entry for travellers from Ebola-affected countries, like Australia.
Households help Medibank see big first day
Mum and dad investors have leapt onboard for the public float of Medibank Private, lining the Government up for a $5.7 billion sale.
Bigger role sought for better Indigenous returns
Aboriginal leaders in the Northern Territory want more say in the running of schemes to help their communities, as a new report shows gaps between Indigenous people and other Australians continue to increase.
Broad call for road fix as locals bear the brunt
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has renewed its ongoing call for better financial and policy support from federal, state and territory governments to keep local roads running.
Sacking sets tone for serious outside offences
A public sector dismissal will set a new precedent, with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) upholding the sacking of an Australian Taxation Office worker for a “clearly unethical” offence outside work hours.
Strike set but no threat to DHS daily activities
Workers across the Department of Human Services (DHS) have voted in favour of taking industrial action over enterprise bargaining negotiations.
Mega-mine's cost to be counted just before the dig
Work on Australia’s largest mine ever will be underway long before its impacts are understood, reports say.
Study says slavery lives worldwide
More than 36 million people are bound by slavery worldwide, a new report says, forced to live and work around the whims of their owners.
China's Ebola help on the ground, locals train for bigger spread
Training is underway for Australian medical professionals who may have to fight an Ebola outbreak.
Local home for broad building hub
A Global Infrastructure Hub will be set up in Sydney to increase investment, after a deal was brokered at the G20 summit on the weekend.
New German deal pursued with fresh zeal
The Australian Government has announced it will seek a new free trade agreement, this time with the nation of Germany.
Power deal seen as less effort for some
Experts have picked apart a 'game-changing' renewable energy deal between China and the US too see if it can match its own hype.
Asylum data leak found in breach of Privacy Act
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has been found in breach of the Privacy Act by posting the personal information of approximately 9,250 asylum seekers on a public website.
Deal signed on cross-border DNA swap
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed to allow DNA information from Australian crime scenes to be searched by UK crime-fighters, and vice-versa.
Push to build balance with Robin Hood approach
A push is on to take a 0.05 per cent tax from big financial transactions instead of levying GST across the board.