Three people have been jailed over a $5.8 million NDIS fraud.

Australia’s VET regulator, ASQA, appears to be failing the fraud prevention test.

The UN is revisiting nuclear war risks, thirty-five years and many threats after its most recent review.

The federal government is urgently reintroducing ankle monitoring and curfews for individuals released from immigration detention.

The corruption watchdog says its integrity work is messy, controversial, and only just beginning.

The Australian Passport Office (APO) has faced strong criticism following an audit.

The Federal Government is seeking to ban under-16s from social media, and will trust tech giants to enforce it.

The federal government appears to have shelved its long-promised local content rules for streamers.

Labor is promising more free TAFE and HECS reforms in what is seen as a pre-election rally.

Experts have shown that restarting a nuclear reactor is not just a matter of flicking a switch.

South Korea and Japan are leading the race to build Australia's next frigate fleet.

Governments are greenlighting rocket projects despite environmental outcry and defence cuts.

Australia’s climate is warming fast, bringing harsher fires, hotter seas, and shifting rainfall extremes.

Defence faces the most substantial cuts in the APS’s contractor reduction plan.

Federal ministers will visit industrial heartlands to see how to retain regional jobs.

Australia is getting a CDC, years after facing COVID-19 without a playbook.

A new CSIRO facility has been created to bring flexible solar tech to market.

Australia’s financial services need stronger competition and consumer protections, the ACCC says.

Most Western Australians are unaware kids as young as ten can be jailed.

Australia’s top corporations have paid record taxes, but over 1,200 still managed to pay nothing.

Australia’s 3G network shutdown has affected thousands of devices this week.

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