The Federal Government has refused to conduct an inquiry into the state of manufacturing in Australia, citing fears that a move to protect the industry would threaten Australia's reputation as an open market economy with little sovereign intervention.

The announcement comes after extensive meetings between the Australian Workers' Union (AWU), the Australian Manufacturers Workers' Union (AMWU), the Australian Industry Group (AIG) and the Federal Government.

Federal Industry Minister Kim Carr announced the Government's decision, saying that the Federal Government refused to establish another inquiry.

The Federal Government has announced it will be calling for comments from stakeholders on the draft program guidelines for the Digital Local Government Program.

The Federal Government has launched an online mapping service to assist people in financial difficulty find their nearest financial counsellor.

The Federal Government has introduced a new Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) legislation before Parliament.  If passed, the legislation will see the formation of the new office that will have regulatory powers that will seek to introduce increasing levels of transparency and dissemination of information regarding budget policy proposals.

In the wake of BHP Billiton’s record profit announcement,  South Australian Greens MP Mark Parnell is calling on the South Australian government to insist that BHP process Olympic Dam ore in South Australia, not export it to China to save costs.

The Federal Government has announced the first major reform to the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EBPC) Act since its creation in 1999. The reform forms the Federal Government’s response to the independent review of the Act by Allan Hawke AC.

Work will begin on the development of a National Partnership Agreement on Mental Health following last week’s meeting of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has announced a suite of safety and productivity reforms for the logistics sector that will aim at reducing the industry’s expenses by up to $30 billion. The reform packages cover rail, road freight and commercial shipping and are as follows:

The Federal Government has released a draft marine bioregional plan that proposes to establish marine reserves networks to protect marine environment in Australia’s north and north-east.

The Federal Government has announced the formation of a panel of leading education and training experts that will advise the government on the National Trade Cadetship (NTC) and Indigenous Ranger Cadetship Initiatives.

The Federal Government has announced it will introduce a new advance facility into its Steel Transformation Plan (STP) in an attempt to counter the recent troubles in the steel production sector.

Construction firm Abigroup has secured a national Defence contract to retrofit RAAF airbases around Australia to accommodate the next generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The Joint Standing Committee on Cyber Safety has published its report into the Federal Government’s Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has called for an emergency intervention by the Commonwealth to help the ‘ailing international education sector’ .

Legislation to establish the $118 million National Health Performance Authority has passed through the lower house. The Authority will report on the performance of local hospital networks; public hospitals; private hospitals; primary healthcare organisations; and other bodies or organisations that provide health care services. It will be required to deliver performance reports to the parliament on an annual basis.

Federal Climate Change Minister Greg Combet has announced that the Government’s planned carbon tax will be introduced before parliament in September and could be legislated before the end of the year.

The Federal Government has released a discussion paper into the future of remote participation and employment services. The policy forms part of the Commonwealth’s budget announcement of a review of remote participation and employment services with a view to introducing improvements from July 2013.

The debate over the future of livestock export in Australia has intensified after research shows that the number of deaths in transit of cattle have continued to increase.

Pressure is mounting on state and Federal governments to place stricter controls on the development of coal seam gas fields over agricultural land and townships.

A report co-published by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has found that strong action on climate change would lead to job growth on the New South Wales mid-north coast.

A new $4.5 million defence industries training program has been launched that will see 2,300 new training places that will aim to boost skills and qualifications.

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