The Australian Government has secured passage of the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Job Seeker Compliance) Bill 2011 through the Parliament.

The new laws form part of Labor's electoral campaign promises to reform employment benefits, introducing tighter measures with the aim of ensuring that more unemployed people are actively involved in seeking work.

Minister for Employment Participation Kate Ellis said that the Australian economy is strong, with an unemployment rate of less than 5 per cent, and the Reserve Bank of Australia releasing data forecasting an estimated drop of unemployment to 4.25 per cent.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland today announced Australian Government disaster assistance is now available in fourteen Local Government Areas affected by severe flooding in New South Wales.

The Federal Government has announced it will contribute more than $9 million toward research for the protection of soldiers of the Australian Defence Force.

The Federal  Government will continue its matching contributions to rural research and development corporations, following the release of a review on RDCs by the Productivity Commission. 

A CSIRO research report has found that a extending the life of existing iron ore mines in Australia and optimising marginal deposits would contribute an additional $56 billion to the national budget.

The Collie South West Hub capture and storage (CCS) trial project in Western Australia is to receive up to $104 million in matching Federal and State funding for the completion of a detailed storage viability study.

The seasonally adjusted Australian unemployment rate remained steady at 4.9 per cent in May, as announced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The ABS reported the number of people employed increased by 7,800 to 11,440,500 in May. The increase in employment was driven by an increase in part-time employment, up 29,800 people to 3,413,500 and was offset by a decrease in full-time employment, down 22,000 people to 8,027,100.

The number of people unemployed increased by 8,900 people to 592,800 in May, reported the ABS.

The ABS monthly aggregate hours worked series showed an increase in May, up 6.4 million hours to 1,601.1 million hours.

The ABS reported labour force participation rate in May of 65.6 per cent, which was unchanged from April.

The ABS reported labour force underutilisation rate was 12.2 per cent in May, up 0.2 percentage points from February.

More details are available in the May 2011 issue of Labour Force, Australia

International recruitment and consultancy firm Michael Page has published its latest figures on grow demand growth, finding that business confidence is bolstering employment growth.

Indigenous education plan released

The Productivity Commissions has provided evidence that supports the Government’s ambition of setting a price on carbon, concluding in its research report that a price-based approach is relatively the most cost-effective, and that the abatement achieved from existing policies “could have been achieved at a fraction of  the cost.”

A new $118 million National Health Performance Authority will be created to monitor hospital performance, including error rates, following agreement between federal, state and territory health ministers in Melbourne on Tuesday.

An exposure draft of the revised Government Business Enterprises (GBE) Guidelines has been released by the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Senator Penny Wong.

More than $226 billion in commercial, industrial, road and rail, and residential assets are potentially exposed to inundation and erosion hazards in the face of a sea level rise of 1.1 metres, according to a supplementary report released by the Federal Government.

Fair Work Australia has announced an increase of  $19.40 a week for minimum wage earners, a move that will affect over 1.35 million Australians.

The Federal Government has announced a $97.7 million package for the education sector under the fifth round of funding under the National Partnerships scheme.

Research conducted by the University of Exeter Business School in the United Kingdom shows that the Australian Government’s Innovation Investment Fund allows start-up companies more scope for follow-on investments and has significantly contributed towards the development of high-potential businesses.

The Federal Government has announced plans to develop a Cyber White Paper that will ‘provide a comprehensive blueprint’ to build internet security for the public.

A new report that sets out three reform options to ensure Australia's water sector has been released by the National Water Commission.

Unions have won significantly broader rights to pursue industrial action after a ruling by Fair Work Australia ensured increased legal protection for striking.

Senior climate change advisor to the Prime Minister Ross Garnaut has called for the establishment of an independent umpire with the authority to force the federal government to make alterations to emissions targets.

The current account deficit (CAD), the discrepancy between the value of goods imported and that of goods exported, is widening according to recent findings.

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