The chief regulatory officer of iiNet, Stephen Dalby, has called for all levels of government to be completely involved in the use and execution of the National Digital Economy Strategy to ensure its success.


Speaking at the annual CeBit conference, Mr Dalby stressed his belief that the strategy is fundamental in promoting a national understanding of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and the telecommunications industry.


“The eight national objectives [from the National Digital Economy Strategy] are the sorts of things that we need to focus on, not just telecommunications,” Mr Dalby said.


“Unless we have the ministers from the other portfolios, from health, education, environment, regional development and so on, equally engaged in this process then you're pushing it uphill.”


Mr Dalby stressed the requirements of a national uptake, citing the potential gains the mining and resource sector could reap from a dramatic improvement in telecommunications technologies.


“It’s not about megabytes and gigabytes and billions of dollars, it’s about the economy, about our personal lives and our international global economy," he said.”


Mr Dalby’s call comes as the NBN has been further hamstrung with delays in contracting.