The Australian and Queensland Governments have launched the Reef 2050 Wetlands Strategy.

The strategy is part of a broader effort to bolster the resilience of the reef by focusing on the enhancement of wetland science, planning, coordination, and management across Reef catchments.

Wetlands play a pivotal role in the ecological health of the Great Barrier Reef, acting as vital buffers that improve water quality and serve as sanctuaries for marine species. 

The new strategy targets five critical areas: refining wetlands information for informed decision-making, strategic wetland planning, conducting on-ground activities for wetland protection and restoration, boosting engagement through education and communication, and enhancing monitoring and evaluation processes.

Parallel to this, a comprehensive review of the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan is underway, addressing the urgent need to tackle sediment and nutrient run-off, a major threat to the reef's biodiversity. 

This review aims to update the strategies in place for managing the water quality of the runoff flowing into the reef, which is crucial for mitigating the effects of sediment deposition and nutrient-induced algal blooms on the coral ecosystem.

The community is invited to contribute to the shaping of this new water quality plan through a survey that seeks input on engagement preferences and relevant topics of interest. 

By addressing both the terrestrial and aquatic factors influencing reef health, these initiatives are intended to help meet ambitious water quality targets and ensure the Reef's preservation for future generations.