The AEC has released a list of political donors and amounts for the 2017-18 period.

The report from the banking royal commission has been handed to the Federal Government.

The Auditor-General has described ACIC’s failed biometric identification database as “deficient in almost every significant respect”.

The Federal Government has spent over $200 million on advertising since the beginning of last year.

The Opposition says it would spend $200 million on restoring urban rivers and waterways, if it wins the next election.

The PM says he would support plans for schoolkids to sit a digital licence test, similar to the old-fashioned pen licence.

The federal government has committed $3 million to help to prevent young people from taking their own lives.

Paediatrician and children's rights advocate Sue Packer has been named the 2019 Senior Australian of the Year.

TPG has stopped work on its mobile network because of a government ban on Huawei equipment.

Experts have offered some high-tech suggestions for the My Health Record system.

The UN says the Carmichael coal mine should not go ahead with traditional owners’ consent.

The Federal Government has been accused of doing “bugger all” about Australia's fuel security.

A former ATO boss has been accused of misusing his position to benefit his son.

Defence Minister Christopher Pyne has backed Japan's plans to massively increase its defence spending.

Staff at Australia’s corporate and consumer watchdogs are accepting gifts and hospitality from the industries they regulate.

Sir David Attenborough has told economic leaders that the planet faces destruction without proper climate change responses.

Labor has announced a $1.1 billion plan to build up Australia’s hydrogen industry.

Authorities will soon test technology to keep planes safe from drones.

The top 1 per cent of Australians are now wealthier than the bottom 70 per cent combined.

Geoscience Australia is spending big to increase the cyber defences of its GPS infrastructure.

The Australian Academy of Science is preparing an independent report on the Murray-Darling Basin fish deaths.

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